Group Benefits
- 24/7 Access inside private group membership community,
- Christian Online Dating Coaching with Kim Brooks
- Weekly Live Christian online dating coaching inside the group
- Accountability and guidance throughout the online dating process
- Recommendations regarding the different dating sites and apps available including both free and paid ones.
- Opportunity to receive 1:1 hot seat dating profile analysis with Kim Brooks inside the group, have your profile and
pictures analyzed so that it will attract worthy Christian candidates who are interested
in a long-term relationship leading to marriage.
- Community of like-minded sisters in Christ with similar goals as you encourage
one another and share dating stories and testimonies.
You receive all this for only $17 to join
and then only $7 a month.
Join now and share with your friends.
*At least 3-month membership is recommended to give ample time for
success with online dating.
Membership is non-refundable and can be cancelled at any time.
So let's do this! It’s a new season and God is doing a new thing! Time to add works to your faith!
In a supportive and safe environment.
Join now and receive the following
Free bonus:
Free Bonus
Join today and get a free copy of Kim’s eBook,
A Woman’s Guide To Safe, Spirit-Led Christian Online Dating
emailed to you immediately upon joining.
Join now before slots are filled.
All ages welcome.
It's time!
- Christian Online Dating Coaching with Kim Brooks
- Weekly Live Christian online dating coaching inside the group
- Accountability and guidance throughout the online dating process
- Recommendations regarding the different dating sites and apps available including both free and paid ones.
- Opportunity to receive 1:1 hot seat dating profile analysis with Kim Brooks inside the group, have your profile and
pictures analyzed so that it will attract worthy Christian candidates who are interested
in a long-term relationship leading to marriage.
- Community of like-minded sisters in Christ with similar goals as you encourage
one another and share dating stories and testimonies.
You receive all this for only $17 to join
and then only $7 a month.
Join now and share with your friends.
*At least 3-month membership is recommended to give ample time for
success with online dating.
Membership is non-refundable and can be cancelled at any time.
So let's do this! It’s a new season and God is doing a new thing! Time to add works to your faith!
In a supportive and safe environment.
Join now and receive the following
Free bonus:
Free Bonus
Join today and get a free copy of Kim’s eBook,
A Woman’s Guide To Safe, Spirit-Led Christian Online Dating
emailed to you immediately upon joining.
Join now before slots are filled.
All ages welcome.
It's time!